By Debra Spamer, vice president of business development at Company Nurse LLC

The right technology can help you to create meaningful relationships with your clients, your clients’ employees, and your own employees. Here’s how we have used technology at Company Nurse to enhance our relationships and how your organization can too.

Engage with Your Clients

Working from home has exponentially increased the popularity of video conferences and, as such, the Company Nurse team now engages in more “face-to-face” conversations with clients than ever before.

This has helped us to enhance our client relationships; we now have the opportunity to see our clients (and vice versa) in our home settings. We’re learning more about each other as people, outside of our typical workplaces.

To make the most of your video calls, take a look at our best practices:

  • Keep your camera on so your clients can speak with you face-to-face.
  • Use a real background, rather than the typical virtual background with the company logo. Yes, using a branded virtual background may seem more professional, but showing your clients your home will allow them to get to know you better as a person.
  • Stay focused on the conversation. It’s not difficult to tell if someone is distracted (i.e. working on an email that is not related to the current conversation). Keeping focused on the call will show your clients you care.

Having these conversations lets your clients know you are there for them and gives you the opportunity to ask how you can help, allowing you to stay engaged and valuable.

Help Your Clients Engage with Their Employees

We also want to help our clients utilize technology to grow their relationships with their employees.

Right now, employees are most likely stressed and unsure of how the pandemic will affect them and their jobs. Company Nurse provides confidence in getting care after a workplace injury and returning to the workplace.

We’ve developed solutions to help our clients help their employees. As the premier nurse triage provider for workplace injuries, our virtual nurse triage service provides employees with a clear and easy process for navigating workplace injuries. With nurse triage, employees get the care they need, and organizations get the information they need for addressing workers’ comp claims — together in a seamless process.

The COVID-19 pandemic has employees asking how their organizations are going to help protect them from exposures in the workplace. After several discussions with clients, we created screen by Company Nurse, a digital screening solution for COVID-19 symptoms and exposures. This solution helps organizations to create a healthy work environment and allows employees to go to work with the confidence that their organization is working to protect them.

To help your clients better engage with their employees, think about how your current service can be expanded. Ask your clients what struggles they are having right now and ask for their suggestions on how you can help.

Help Your Own Employees

Technology can be a powerful tool in assisting your own employees.

We have used a variety of technology to help our own employees and show we care, which has allowed us to deepen our employees’ relationships with Company Nurse. Here’s what we have put into practice, to help our clients during this pandemic and beyond:

  • Our president sent a survey for employees to share, anonymously, what their biggest struggles are during this time and how we, as an organization, can help.
  • Company Nurse holds weekly virtual town halls to update employees on what is happening in the organization.
  • Our organization has started a group in our messaging system so that participating employees can share ideas and resources to not just get through this difficult time, but emerge from it even better.
  • The team receives a weekly virtual newsletter that includes ideas for fun at-home activities.
  • Company Nurse team members regularly meet face-to-face in video conferences, keeping cameras on to enhance conversations.

By going the extra two miles to check in and communicate with our employees, we show them that we care, and our employees have expressed how much they appreciate it. For more ideas on how to support employees during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond, check out this article.

Want to learn how Company Nurse’s award-winning technology can help your organization? Click here to learn more or contact